CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

US Department of Justice Recommends Anti-Spoofing Rules to FCC

In late December, Congress passed new Anti-Spoofing legislation . As we told you at the time, the Act requires the FCC to enact implementing regulations within 6 months. In anticipation of that rulemaking, the U.S.…

Rules Against Caller ID Spoofing to Tighten

Two developments last month portend a more difficult time for entities "spoofing" caller ID information. On December 22, President Obama signed into law the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009 [sic], which makes it unlawful…

FCC Clears States to Impose USF Fees Prospectively on Intrastate Nomadic VoIP Services

As has been expected, the FCC late Friday released an order finding that states can require nomadic interconnected VoIP providers such as Vonage to pay state universal service fund contributions on a prospective basis…

Telecom Law Monitor Feature: Regulatory Requirements for VoIP Services

Our post about the unique enforcement posture of interconnected VoIP quickly became the most popular post on the Telecom Law Monitor. One person asked if we could elaborate on the differences in regulatory treatment…

Compliance Reminder: Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet Due November 1

What: FCC Form 499Q: Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet - Quarterly Filing for Universal Service Contributors. Contributors must project 1Q telecommunications revenues for 2011 and report actual telecommunications…