CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

New USF Form Announced; Audio Bridging Changes Headline the Revisions

UPDATED -- FORM 499 RELEASED The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau announced the new FCC Form 499A today. This form, which must be used to file the April 1 annual revenue report, includes several potentially…

FCC Seeks Comment on Two USF Appeals

Continuing its recent custom, the FCC quickly sought comment on two Universal Service Appeals. The issues involved in these appeals include classification of information services, classification of reseller revenues…

Comcast, Net Neutrality and the Universal Service Fund

Yesterday, the DC Circuit held oral argument on Comcast's appeal of the FCC's ruling that Comcast ilegally blocked P2P traffic in its broadband Internet service. By all accounts, the argument went poorly for the FCC.…

FCC Inspector General Discloses Effort to Identify USF Non-Contributors

Tucked inside a semi-annual report released over the holidays, the FCC's Inspector General revealed that its most recent round of audits of the Universal Service Fund included, for the first time, an effort to identify…

"To Do List" for the National Broadband Plan

Although advertised as a "policy framework" for the National Broadband Plan, Wednesday's presentation to the FCC looks more like a "to do" list for Chairman Genachowski's 2010 agenda. A number of suggestions will be…