CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Compliance Reminder: Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet Due November 1

What: FCC Form 499Q: Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet - Quarterly Filing for Universal Service Contributors. Contributors must project 1Q telecommunications revenues for 2011 and report actual telecommunications…

FCC Clarifies "Carrier" Definition In Prepaid Context

In a recent USF appeal, the FCC agreed with a prepaid card "platform provider" that each of its customers, not the platform provider, is the "carrier" for Universal Service purposes. The FCC ruled, however, that the…

CPNI Settlement of the Day

As we noted, the FCC is working its way through the 600+ proposed fines included in the Omnibus CPNI NAL . Virtually every day, the Enforcement Bureau releases a handful of consent decrees resolving several proposed…

Nominations Sought for USAC Board Positions

One of the hottest areas in enforcement and litigation is the Federal Universal Service Fund. In fact, with USAC embarking on an expanded set of audits and investigations since August, USF disputes are about to…

AT&T Joins Effort to Expand Waivers for Late-Filed USF Forms

AT&T has joined the ranks of petitioners seeking to overturn the Wireline Competition Bureau's tough stance on contributors' late-filed USF forms. On September 13, AT&T joined Airband Communications in seeking…