CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

USF Contribution Factor Again Tops 15%

Today the FCC announced the proposed universal service contribution factor for the fourth quarter of 2011. Based in large part on recently revised projections showing an increase in low income demand (largely due to…

E-rate Gift Rules Continue to Confuse

Last September, the FCC adopted new rules governing gifts received by applicants for disbursements under the FCC's Schools and Libraries program of the Universal Service Fund (known as the "e-rate" program). Although…

FCC Asked (Again) to Classify Text Messaging

Once again, USAC and the federal Universal Service Fund are driving fundamental classification questions regarding telecom services. In the latest example, USAC has requested the FCC's guidance on how to treat text…

FCC Takes Enforcement Action in USF, Telemarketing and "Junk Fax" Cases

Last week brought new actions in three of the FCC's most common enforcement areas: Failure to pay USF contributions, "robocall" telemarketing violations and "junk fax" solicitations. One action also is an example of…

Broad Coalition Seeks Rulemaking for MPLS-Based Services

A broad coalition of telecommunications carriers is asking the FCC to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to determine the proper treatment of MPLS-based services for regulatory and Universal Service purposes. The…