CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FTC Settles Case Involving Misleading Endorsements in Social Media

This morning, the FTC announced a settlement with a company that sells guitar lesson DVDs using social media. According to the complaint, the company recruited affiliates to promote its courses through endorsements. In…

Courtney Love Settles Twitter Lawsuit

While the entertainment world is talking about Charlie Sheen’s posts on Twitter, another celebrity’s Twitter posts are getting attention in the legal world. This week, Courtney Love agreed to pay more than $430,000 to…

Recent Lawsuits Allege Groupon and LivingSocial Violate Gift Certificate Laws

Last month, consumers filed a class action lawsuit against Groupon, alleging that the company’s deals violate California and federal gift certificate laws. This month, a similar lawsuit was filed against LivingSocial,…

Anti-Corporate Activists Target Corporate Advertising and Communications

Advertisers beware. Anti-corporate activists, no longer content to ask for petition signatures on a street corner, are using guerilla tactics to sabotage corporate communications and advertising campaigns. In recent…

Facebook Eases the Requirements for Running Promotions

Last year, Facebook introduced Promotions Guidelines that governed how companies can run sweepstakes and contests on the Facebook platform. Among other things, the Guidelines stated that a company could not administer…