CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Supreme Court Confirms the FCC's Ability to Interpret the Scope of its Own Authority and Allows the Antenna Siting Application "Shot Clock" To Remain in Effect

In a much anticipated decision with potentially widespread ramifications across all federal agencies charged with implementing federal statutes, the United States Supreme Court has permitted the so-called “shot clock”…

A Practical Look at the FCC's Open Internet/Net Neutrality Regulations

On December 23, 2010, the FCC adopted new Open Internet ("network neutrality") rules that place a variety of disclosure and other obligations on certain providers of broadband Internet access. On June 30, 2011, while…

DC Circuit to Decide Net Neutrality Appeals

The same circuit that decided the Comcast case will decide the net neutrality appeals after all. Yesterday, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation announced that the D.C. Circuit had been selected by random…

Net Neutrality Litigation Moves to Lottery

With the September 23rd publication of the Net Neutrality Order in the Federal Register, appeals of the order could finally be filed. As expected, multiple parties filed appeals in multiple districts, and the choice…

Federal Register Publication Marks Beginning of Net Neutrality Litigation

One long march is finally over, another one begins. After OMB approval of the rules was announced earlier this week, today, the FCC published the Net Neutrality Order in the Federal Register . The 44 page summary is…