CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

AT&T To Pay $60M to Settle 2014 FTC Data Throttling Complaint

After a long road that included questions over the scope of FTC and FCC jurisdiction, AT&T finally settled one of two cases challenging the unlimited data plans it offered to consumers. On Tuesday, November 5, 2019 the…

Section 13 (b)log: Direct Seller Stands Its Ground: Neora Seeks Declaratory Judgment Against the FTC, Challenging the Agency’s Section 13(b) Authority

The continuing questions over the extent of the FTC’s enforcement authority to obtain monetary relief under Section 13(b) did not stop the Commission from filing a lawsuit on November 1 against multi-level marketer…

Nixing the Fix: Recap of FTC Workshop on Product Repair Restrictions

Make a product that could break? On July 16, 2019, the FTC hosted a workshop to examine repair restrictions on consumer goods and the “Right to Repair” bills proposed in a number of states. Panelists included…

A Potential New Fight Over FTC's 13(b) Authority

On May 17, AdvoCare International LP, marketer of “innovative nutritional, weight-management and sports performance products,” made the extraordinary announcement that it was abandoning its business model. It would no…

The Battle Over the Scope of FTC Judicial Enforcement Authority: Seventh Circuit Hears Oral Argument Regarding the Reach of Section 13(b)

Last month, we wrote about the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in FTC v. Shire Viropharma Inc., holding that the FTC may only bring a case under Section 13(b) of the FTC Act when the FTC…