CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Enforcement Alert: Prepaid Card Marketing Investigations Opened

Late last week, the FCC sent inquiry letters to a number of prepaid calling card providers concerning their marketing practices. This action represents the first significant entry by the FCC into prepaid calling card…

Breaking News: Court vacates FCC's Comcast Decision

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated the FCC's decision declaring illegal Comcast's 2007 blocking of P2P internet traffic. This decision is not surprising, given how poorly the oral argument went for the…

FCC Focuses Bully Pulpit on 911 Practices

The Genachowski FCC is enamored with the bully pulpit as an enforcement tool. In the year since the new Chairman has taken office, we've seen examples with FCC letters to Apple regarding its iPhone approval practices ;…

New FTC Commissioners Confirmed

It has been quiet on the FCC front as all hands seem to be focused on the upcoming National Broadband Plan. In the meantime, I didn't want this development at the FTC to go unnoticed. Our firm's sister blog,…

3,000 Carriers File CPNI Certifications

As of COB yesterday, 3070 unique CPNI submissions were made in the FCC's annual CPNI certification docket. That number is almost the same as the 3,107 CPNI filers in 2009. However, it still is about 500 fewer than the…