CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Preparing Multiple "Junk Fax" Enforcement Actions

There has not been an official announcement, but indications are strong that the FCC is planning soon to issue a number of forfeitures and proposed forfeitures for the sending of so-called "junk faxes." Under the…

Filer Beware: FCC Affirms Tough Stance on Late-Filed Universal Service Forms

In stark contrast to the Bureau's more liberal waiver policy for recipients of Universal Service Funds, the Wireline Competition Bureau recently released orders affirming a tough stance for contributors who miss USF…

Overlooked Elements of the Verizon-Google Net Neutrality Proposal

Earlier this month, Verizon and Google announced an agreement on the vexing issue of net neutrality. The agreement has been criticized by net neutrality advocates for allegedly permitting a "private Internet," and for…

FCC Picking Up the Pace on Omnibus CPNI NALs

In February 2009, the FCC proposed $20,000 fines against 600 carriers for failing to file their annual CPNI certifications. The problem with issuing 600 fines of $20,000 each? The FCC actually has to issue orders in…

Verizon Settles FCC Privacy Investigation for $90,000

Consumer privacy is a hot topic in many arenas. At the FCC, consumer privacy is protected by the Commission's "customer proprietary network information" ("CPNI") rules. Today, the FCC released another CPNI enforcement…