CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Per Call Compensation Fraud Leads to Prison for PSP

We took a holiday break, and now we have a large backlog of entries for you. To begin, we have an unusual item to cover. This blog, of course, deals with telecom enforcement. Usually, that means fines for failure to…

FCC Proposes $25,000 Fine for Failure to Respond to Investigation

On Friday, the FCC proposed a $25,000 fine against a carrier that failed to respond to a Commission investigation. In the NAL, the Enforcement Bureau stated that Net One International had failed to respond to a letter…

International Carrier Settles Transfer of Control Violations with FCC

On December 7, the FCC adopted a consent decree with an international carrier resolving several alleged transfers of FCC authorizations without prior approval. This marks the latest in a series of enforcement actions…

FCC to Weigh in on Cell Phone Blocking in Wake of New BART Policy

In response to yesterday's announcement that BART, the San Francisco area transit authority, modified its cell phone blocking policy, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that the FCC would soon be taking action…

FCC Proposes Another $5 Million Prepaid Card Fine

Yesterday, the FCC proposed another $5 million fine for insufficient disclosures on prepaid calling cards. This action is best understood as an echo to the FCC's action in September, when it proposed four similar $5…