CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Interconnected VoIP Providers Get One Free Bite -- Take Two

The Commission's efforts to resolve the 2009 Omnibus CPNI NAL continue to provide insights into the enforcement process generally. In the past, we've commented on surprisingly small settlements and odd provisions, but…

CPNI Certification Compliance About the Same as Last Year

Despite many high-profile forfeiture proceedings, significant outreach by the FCC and even a new app to facilitate filing, the level of CPNI certifications filed this year was on a par with 2010. Last year, we…

FCC Proposes New CPNI Fines

Due to the 1 year statute of limitations for proposed fines against common carriers, the release of a Notice of Apparent Liability for failing to file CPNI certifications has become an annual late-February event. This…

Compliance Reminder: FCC Filings Due March 2011

Customer Proprietary Network Information Certifications All telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers must file an annual report certifying their compliance with the Federal Communications…

FCC Makes New App Available for CPNI Certification Filings

For the past few years, telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers have been required to file annual certifications of CPNI compliance in WCB docket 06-36. These certifications are due by March 1…