CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Eases CPNI Compliance for Prepaid Calling Card Providers

Back in 2007, in response to the pretexting controversy, the FCC strengthened its CPNI rules to require telecommunications carriers to authenticate a subscriber’s identity before providing call detail information.…

Reminder: Annual CPNI Certification Due March 1

All telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers must file an annual report certifying their compliance with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) rules regarding Customer Proprietary Network…

Compliance Reminder: Annual CPNI Certifications

Yesterday, the FCC released an order cancelling more CPNI fines proposed in its Omnibus CPNI Forfeiture Order. Because proposed fines for failing to file the CPNI certification have become an annual event, this is a…

FCC Releases Five More CPNI Forfeiture Orders

The Commission continues to clear the decks from its 2009 Omnibus CPNI NAL. Apparently having exhausted all of the cases warranting revocation of the NAL and meriting a consent decree, the Enforcement Bureau release…

FCC Imposes $20,000 Fine for Failure to File CPNI Certification

Still working its way through the 2009 Omnibus CPNI NAL, the FCC released a forfeiture order against prepaid card provider 88 Telecom. The Commission imposed the full $20,000 penalty proposed in the NAL, rejecting 88…