CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Podcast: IoT Security

From smart homes and self-driving vehicles to drones and healthcare monitoring, Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities are a hot topic for both manufacturers and consumers. The most recent episode of Kelley Drye’s Full…

Summer Road Trippin’: The FTC and NHTSA Workshop on Connected Cars

Kelley Drye

On June 28, the FTC and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) brought together a variety of stakeholders including regulators, automakers, software companies, and consumer groups to discuss connected…

DoT Announces “Smart City” Challenge to Increase Infrastructure Efficiency in Urban Areas

On December 7, 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for “Beyond Traffic: The Smart City Challenge,” the first in a two-part solicitation for a federally funded…