CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Barbara Hoey Comments on Pao/Kleiner Perkins Lawsuit on Bloomberg West

Labor Days co-editor Barbara Hoey was interviewed on Bloomberg Television’s Bloomberg West regarding interim Reddit CEO Ellen Pao’s gender discrimination lawsuit against her former employer, venture capital firm…

California and Massachusetts Employers—Mark Your Calendars for July 1

On July 1, employers in California and Massachusetts (with few exceptions) must begin providing paid sick leave to their employees. California and Massachusetts will be joining Connecticut, the District of Columbia,…

A Victory for Kleiner Perkins Should Still be a Red Flag for All Employers – “It’s All About Your Culture”

As was discussed on Fox Business News’s Willis Report, Friday’s jury’s verdict in California rejecting Ellen Pao’s claims of gender discrimination and retaliation was undoubtedly a huge victory for the venture capital…

In Pricing Case, California Court Determines Meaning of "Free" Shipping

In the case described in the post yesterday, the plaintiff also argued that Overstock’s representations that shipping was “free” or “only $2.95” violated California’s False Advertising Law because the…

California Court Imposes $6.82 Million Civil Penalty in Comparative Pricing Action

Still recovering from the holiday sales? If you’re a retailer or a manufacturer pricing your own products, don’t forget about the state laws governing promotional pricing and deceptive pricing claims. The state of…