CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Federal Register Publication Marks Beginning of Net Neutrality Litigation

One long march is finally over, another one begins. After OMB approval of the rules was announced earlier this week, today, the FCC published the Net Neutrality Order in the Federal Register . The 44 page summary is…

Two FCC Commissioners Signal Support for Extension of Outage Reporting to VoIP

Yesterday, the FCC held its "Workshop/Webinar" on the pending proposal to extend the outage reporting requirements to interconnected VoIP and to broadband service providers. We've noted several times that the FCC staff…

Does the Ooma Outage Portend of New FCC Rules?

Interconnected VoIP provider Ooma suffered a three-hour outage late last week. Ooma identified the cause of the outage as "an extremely rare power failure at a portion of our data center," but the effect of the outage…

Inside the Burdens of the Net Neutrality Rules

The Office of Management and Budget does not post the comments it receives on Paperwork Reduction Act notices, like the FCC's recent notices regarding the net neutrality rules . But we have them here. Surprisingly,…

Net Neutrality Order Moves a Step Closer to Publication

Continuing the slow march to Federal Register publication -- and certain court challenge -- of the Net Neutrality rules, the FCC today published notices of the two information collection provisions subject to review…