CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Picking Up the Pace on Omnibus CPNI NALs

In February 2009, the FCC proposed $20,000 fines against 600 carriers for failing to file their annual CPNI certifications. The problem with issuing 600 fines of $20,000 each? The FCC actually has to issue orders in…

Verizon Settles FCC Privacy Investigation for $90,000

Consumer privacy is a hot topic in many arenas. At the FCC, consumer privacy is protected by the Commission's "customer proprietary network information" ("CPNI") rules. Today, the FCC released another CPNI enforcement…

Calls to Current Customers are not "Telephone Solicitations" under the TCPA, FCC Says

Even though this blog covers telecom litigation and enforcement, this is the first post about a formal complaint brought before the FCC. Among the reasons are that the FCC does not handle many formal complaints these…

3,000 Carriers File CPNI Certifications

As of COB yesterday, 3070 unique CPNI submissions were made in the FCC's annual CPNI certification docket. That number is almost the same as the 3,107 CPNI filers in 2009. However, it still is about 500 fewer than the…

Compliance Reminder: Annual CPNI Certification Due March 1

What: Annual CPNI Certification pursuant to Section 64.2009. Carriers must certify that their procedures comply with the FCC's privacy rules, disclose complaints about CPNI breaches and identify actions taken against…