CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

'Big Three' Weigh in on Online Privacy: FTC, FCC and NTIA Testify at Privacy Hearing

On July 14, 2011, a joint House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing focused on online privacy policy and perspectives of the ‘big three’ federal agencies with potential jurisdiction over online privacy – the…

FCC Releases Five More CPNI Forfeiture Orders

The Commission continues to clear the decks from its 2009 Omnibus CPNI NAL. Apparently having exhausted all of the cases warranting revocation of the NAL and meriting a consent decree, the Enforcement Bureau release…

FCC Imposes $20,000 Fine for Failure to File CPNI Certification

Still working its way through the 2009 Omnibus CPNI NAL, the FCC released a forfeiture order against prepaid card provider 88 Telecom. The Commission imposed the full $20,000 penalty proposed in the NAL, rejecting 88…

Join Us on May 16 for the Webinar, "Mobile Applications: Privacy and Data Security Considerations"

Do you know what kind of data your smartphone apps are collecting? Understanding the flow of data, how it is shared, and whether your apps collect sensitive information such as mobile payments or location-based data…

Interconnected VoIP Providers Get One Free Bite -- Take Two

The Commission's efforts to resolve the 2009 Omnibus CPNI NAL continue to provide insights into the enforcement process generally. In the past, we've commented on surprisingly small settlements and odd provisions, but…