CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Doing Business With Cuba: New Guidance Posted

As President Obama moves forward to revise policies toward Cuba, opportunities for carriers on the U.S.-route continue to arise. In addition to revisions to relevant FCC regulations, which we’ve covered here and here,…

Verizon Agrees to Pay $1.35 Million to Settle FCC “Supercookie” Investigation

On March 7, 2016, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau announced that it reached a settlement with Verizon Wireless to resolve an investigation into whether Verizon violated the Commission’s rules by inserting Unique…

White House Announces ConnectALL Initiative to Spur Broadband Deployment and Adoption

The Administration continues to drive efforts to spur broadband deployment across the country and to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable broadband service. Yesterday afternoon, President Obama announced…

NTIA's BroadbandUSA Announces a Community Connectivity Initiative Workshop, one of the Recommendations from the Broadband Opportunity Council

This mon th marks the one year anniversary of the Presidential Memorandum that created the Broadband Opportunity Council (Council), a federal inter-agency council, tasked with using all available and appropriate…

FCC Announces March 31 International Circuit Capacity Report Filing Deadline and Update to International Circuit Capacity Report Filing Manual

By Public Notice released February 25, the Federal Communications Commission’s (“Commission” or “FCC”) International Bureau (“Bureau”) reminded filers that the annual Section 43.62 International Circuit Capacity Report…