CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

After a 10-year Proceeding, the FCC Classifies Wireless Messaging as an Information Service

At the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) December Open Meeting, commissioners voted to approve a Declaratory Ruling (“Ruling”) that classifies native forms of wireless messaging, short message service (“SMS”)…

FCC Plans to Classify Texting as an Information Service, Take Action on Robocalls, Spectrum, and Rural Broadband at December Meeting

The FCC plans to take aim again at unwanted texts and robocalls at its next meeting scheduled for December 12, 2018. Unwanted robocalls and texting consistently top the list of complaints received by the FCC and that…

FCC Issues Draft Order on Next Spectrum Frontiers Auction

The FCC’s Spectrum Frontiers proceeding, which is focused on making millimeter wave (“mmW”) spectrum available for flexible commercial mobile and fixed use, seems poised to move into a new phase even as the current…

Commission Proposes to Ease Wireless Handset Hearing Aid Compatibility Reporting Obligations

At its November 15 Open Meeting, the FCC intends to vote on a Report and Order (“Order”) to make some important changes to the requirements for wireless service providers to report on the number of hearing aid…

International Facilities-Based Service Providers - List of Foreign Direct Termination Arrangement Routes Due to the FCC by November 14, 2018

International service providers likely celebrated when the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) eliminated the annual International Traffic and Revenue reporting requirement last year but may have forgotten…