CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Federal Communications Commission Moves to Adopt Rules Easing Certain Tariff Filing Requirements

On Friday, October 4, 2019, Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Chairman Ajit Pai circulated a draft Report and Order ("Order") that would adopt two uncontroversial changes to the FCC's tariff filing…

FCC’s October Meeting Has No Spectrum Item or Particular Theme

Last week, the FCC announced its tentative agenda for its upcoming October 25, 2019 open meeting and released drafts of the items on which the commissioners will vote. There is a notable lack of a spectrum item on the…

FCC Enforcement Bureau Centralizes Filing of Interference Complaints; Parties Directed to First Exhaust Private Efforts to Resolve Cases of RFI

On October 7, the Enforcement Bureau (“EB” or “Bureau”) of the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) took action to enhance the method by which public safety and enterprise wireless providers file…

FCBA Universal Service Fund Seminar on October 2nd

Featuring keynote remarks from FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly Date/Time: Wednesday, October 2, 3:00 – 5:30 PM Location: Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, 3050 K Street NW This seminar will feature background…

FCC Will Seek Comment on Auction Procedures for 3.5 GHz PALs

At its Open Meeting on Thursday (September 26), the FCC will be set to adopt a Public Notice that seeks comment on bidding procedures for Auction 105 – the long-anticipated auction of Priority Access Licenses (“PALs”)…