CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

AT&T Threatens More Prepaid Providers With Litigation

In the last month, AT&T sent another round of demand letters to prepaid card providers seeking access charges on prepaid card calls. AT&T sent the first round of such letters in the fall of 2008. Now, we are seeing…

FCC Says Slamming Rules Do Not Apply to VoIP Providers

The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau of the FCC has reversed a November decision by its Consumer Policy Division relating to alleged slamming by a VoIP provider. The Bureau's May 19 ruling granted a request to…

FCC Proposes $100,000 Fine for Failure to Obtain a 214

With the new chairman still awaiting Senate confirmation, it has been fairly quiet on the enforcement front the past few months. Yesterday was an exception, when the the FCC released an NAL proposing to fine a carrier…

International Prepaid Card Providers Petition FCC to File USF Form 499As

A group of international prepaid card companies have petitioned the FCC for a rule change that will allow them to file their own FCC Form 499As to cover the universal service fund assessments on their traffic. The…

VoIP Gets More Duck-Like: FCC Extends Discontinuance of Service Rules to Interconnected VoIP Providers

In a move that surprised almost no one, the FCC extended its discontinuance of service rules to providers of interconnected VoIP services. When this latest action becomes effective, interconnected VoIP providers will…