CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Breaking News: Court vacates FCC's Comcast Decision

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated the FCC's decision declaring illegal Comcast's 2007 blocking of P2P internet traffic. This decision is not surprising, given how poorly the oral argument went for the…

Now on Deck: Carrier Asks FCC to Preempt Pennsylvania PUC VoIP Decision

The VoIP jurisdictional saga continues. Last month, we discussed a decision by the Pennsylvania PUC asserting jurisdiction over intrastate Voice over IP calls and a decision by a US District Court reaching the opposite…

FCC Focuses Bully Pulpit on 911 Practices

The Genachowski FCC is enamored with the bully pulpit as an enforcement tool. In the year since the new Chairman has taken office, we've seen examples with FCC letters to Apple regarding its iPhone approval practices ;…

Kelley Drye Webinar: The National Broadband Plan

Last year, the U.S. Congress directed the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to develop a National Broadband Plan to ensure that every American has “access to broadband capability.” After 36 public workshops,…

FCC Releases Anticipated National Broadband Plan

On March 16, 2010, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) announced the release of the National Broadband Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan outlines sweeping proposals intended to accelerate broadband access and…