CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Begins Groundwork to Extend Outage Reporting Obligations to Broadband and Interconnected VoIP Providers

Despite issues over the FCC's jurisdiction in light of the Comcast decision, the FCC's Public Safety Bureau took a step toward possible extension of the FCC's outage reporting requirements to broadband service…

FCC Data Innovation Initiative Highlights Compliance Obligations

Yesterday, the FCC launched a review of its data collection practices, which it termed its "Data Innovation Initiative." Most relevant to the scope of this blog is the inventory of compliance obligations released by…

Verizon Settles FCC Privacy Investigation for $90,000

Consumer privacy is a hot topic in many arenas. At the FCC, consumer privacy is protected by the Commission's "customer proprietary network information" ("CPNI") rules. Today, the FCC released another CPNI enforcement…

Comcast, Phase II: FCC Opens Inquiry into Broadband Classification Options

The FCC today adopted and released its highly anticipated Notice of Inquiry (“NOI”) regarding the potential regulatory reclassification of facilities-based broadband Internet access services. This proceeding will…

Another Prepaid Card Provider Reduces Its Universal Service Revenue Reporting

Following on the heels of AT&T and Verizon's announcements, prepaid card provider Allcom Telink Corporation informed the FCC that it, too, would no longer report for universal service purposes the face value of the…