CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Releases USF and ICC Reform NPRM

Late yesterday, the FCC released its latest NPRM on high cost USF and ICC reform (see our 2/8 post ). The 289 page item, available here, sets forth staggered comment dates triggered by federal register publication.…

FCC Jump-Starts USF and ICC Reform with Another NPRM

The FCC earlier today adopted (but has not yet released) a substantial NPRM on universal service fund (USF) and intercarrier compensation (ICC) reform, signaling that the agency is ready (again) to engage anew in its…

Verizon Net Neutrality Appeal Update

On January 20th, Verizon took the controversial move of appealing the FCC's Net Neutrality Order before notice was published in the Federal Register . Shortly after Verizon appealed, MetroPCS Communications filed a…

US Department of Justice Recommends Anti-Spoofing Rules to FCC

In late December, Congress passed new Anti-Spoofing legislation . As we told you at the time, the Act requires the FCC to enact implementing regulations within 6 months. In anticipation of that rulemaking, the U.S.…

Insights from Kelley Drye's 3rd Annual Privacy Seminar

On January 21, 2011, Kelley Drye & Warren hosted the seminar and audiocast, "Privacy By Design, Choice, and Transparency: What a New Framework Will Mean for Business and Technology." The seminar highlighted key…