CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

US Tax Court Rules on Depreciation Deductions for Wireless Equipment

On July 7, in a case of first impression, the US Tax Court ( Broz v. Commissioner ) reviewed the class lives (depreciation periods) applicable to wireless cellular assets to establish the permissible depreciation…

Net Neutrality Order Moves a Step Closer to Publication

Continuing the slow march to Federal Register publication -- and certain court challenge -- of the Net Neutrality rules, the FCC today published notices of the two information collection provisions subject to review…

Prepaid Card Provider Settles Payphone Compensation NAL

For a while, failure to pay per-call compensation to payphone owners was as much of an enforcement focus as is failure to pay the Universal Service Fund today. The FCC resolved one of its legacy cases this week,…

Net Neutrality Update

After months of waiting for the FCC to publish its Net Neutrality Order in the Federal Register, the FCC has finally . . . released a clarification of the disclosure rules that will eventually apply. The action does…

FCC Adopts Anti-Spoofing Rules Implementing Truth In Caller ID Act

Implementing the Truth in Caller ID Act passed last December, the FCC adopted rules prohibiting the fraudulent manipulation of caller ID information. These so-called anti-"spoofing" rules track the statutory language…