CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

VoIP Access Charge Appeal To Proceed After Nearly Two Year Delay

A long time ago, we posted about a decision of the US District Court in DC declaring that VoIP traffic was not subject to access charges and the strange coalition that asked the Court of Appeals to review the case.…

FCC Seeking More Comment on Allowing VoIP Providers Direct Access to Numbers

With new access charge obligations for interconnected VoIP, new contribution obligations for non-interconnected VoIP, and possible outage reporting requirements, 2012 is shaping up as a year of changes for VoIP…

Per Call Compensation Fraud Leads to Prison for PSP

We took a holiday break, and now we have a large backlog of entries for you. To begin, we have an unusual item to cover. This blog, of course, deals with telecom enforcement. Usually, that means fines for failure to…

Reminder: Non-Interconnected VoIP Providers Must Register by December 31

Back in October, the FCC released an order implementing the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA). Among other things, the order expanded the pool of contributors to the…