CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Derecho Storm Leads to FCC 911 Inquiry

The June 29 "Derecho" storm brought significant damage and power outages to the Mid-Atlantic region. It also brought a number of high-profile 911 outages, which have attracted the FCC's attention. This week, the Public…

What FCC v. Fox Television Means for Non-Broadcasters

In FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., the US Supreme Court reversed FCC indecency fines against two TV broadcast networks. The decision has garnered a lot of attention in the broadcast industry and conventional…

Small Library Seeks to Force Decision on VoIP Classification

I don't expect this to go anywhere, but this request is too interesting to ignore any longer. On May 25, 2012, a library in Caroline County, Virginia petitioned the FCC to declare that Vonage is a "common carrier"…

FCC Proposes Personal Liability in NAL

Last week, the FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability against a telecom carrier for failing to pay Universal Service Fund (USF) contributions. This aspect of the NAL underscores the FCC’s continued emphasis on USF…

USF Contribution Factor Continues its Rollercoaster Ride

After two quarters of near-18 percent contribution factors, the Universal Service Fund's quarterly contribution factor is declining again. For the third quarter of 2012, the USF contribution factor will decline to…