CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Reminder: Annual FCC Regulatory Fees Due September 20, 2013

It’s September, which means that the annual FCC regulatory fees are coming due again. To aid our readers in complying with the reg fee obligation, we are posting here the FCC’s recent public notices outlining the…

FCC Pole Attachment Rule Provisions Obligating Poles Owners to Make Information Regarding Rates Available Take Effect after a Long Wait

After a lengthy hiatus of more than a decade following Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) review of several provisions in the FCC’s pole attachment complaint rules having information collection requirements,…

FCC Wades Back Into Cramming Issue

In a move that appears aimed to maximize options for new Chairman Tom Wheeler when he assumes office, the FCC turned its attention again to its rules to address unauthorized charges on telephone bills, known…

What Telecom Carriers Need to Know about the EPA's Facility Compliance Enforcement

Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reached a $1.375 million settlement with New Cingular Wireless, resolving the company's self-disclosed violations of the Emergency Planning and…

Questions About Scope of Local Authority May Come to Fore Given Expanded Opportunities for Unlicensed Deployments

Mike Dover contributed to this blog post. The Federal Communications Commission continues to pave additional avenues for building out wireless broadband networks and installing other high speed links, but questions…