CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

On the Heels of Aereo, FCC Takes a Firm (and Expensive) Stance in Retransmission Consent Case

Yesterday, the FCC issued a $2.25 million Forfeiture Order against TV Max Inc. (and its affiliates and subsidiaries) for “willfully and repeatedly” violating Section 325 of the Communications Act. The fine reflects the…

Supreme Court Backs Broadcasters Over Aereo, But There's More to Come

In a 6-3 decision today, the Supreme Court of the United States held that Aereo’s “watch” streaming service of television broadcasting channels violated the Copyright Act. The decision is a setback for the start-up,…

Mobile App Provider Seeks Clarification on Applicability of the TCPA to OTT Texting Services

With class action cases proliferating, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") continues to receive petitions seeking guidance on the applicability of its rules to various calling or texting scenarios. In the…

FCC Video Competition Proceeding To Address Online Video Distribution

Since 1992, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has been required to report to the U.S. Congress on the state of video competition. These reports are not often the most compelling reads available. With the…

FCC Wades Back Into Cramming Issue

In a move that appears aimed to maximize options for new Chairman Tom Wheeler when he assumes office, the FCC turned its attention again to its rules to address unauthorized charges on telephone bills, known…