CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Mobile Content Providers Settle Unauthorized Billing Class Action

While the FCC has taken an interest in mobile marketing by carriers -- most notably with investigations of carrier early termination fees and proceedings examining wireless consumer "bill shock" -- it also is helpful…

Comcast, Phase II: FCC Opens Inquiry into Broadband Classification Options

The FCC today adopted and released its highly anticipated Notice of Inquiry (“NOI”) regarding the potential regulatory reclassification of facilities-based broadband Internet access services. This proceeding will…

Strange Coalition Petitions Court of Appeals to Bypass FCC on VoIP Access Charges

A diverse group of telecom companies and trade groups have jointly submitted a supporting brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals in the Paetec v. CommPartners appeal. The Joint Brief includes ILECS like AT&T and Verizon,…

Calls to Current Customers are not "Telephone Solicitations" under the TCPA, FCC Says

Even though this blog covers telecom litigation and enforcement, this is the first post about a formal complaint brought before the FCC. Among the reasons are that the FCC does not handle many formal complaints these…

Breaking News: Court vacates FCC's Comcast Decision

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated the FCC's decision declaring illegal Comcast's 2007 blocking of P2P internet traffic. This decision is not surprising, given how poorly the oral argument went for the…