CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Releases Text of Net Neutrality Order

Late yesterday, the FCC released the text of its Open Internet Report and Order (aka the Net Neutrality decision). We're on vacation already, so we don't have time for any analysis right now. Nevertheless, for those…

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules, Endorses Accelerated Docket Complaints for Violations

Today, a divided FCC adopted enforceable "net neutrality" rules for the first time. By a 3-2 vote, with all three Democrats voting in favor and both Republicans voting against, the Commission adopted a Report and Order…

FCC's Genachowski Proposes Net Neutrality Rules, Creates Firestorm

Since April, the FCC has been struggling with how to react to the Court's reversal of the Comcast P2P blocking order . Today, Chairman Genachowski announced that he plans to move forward to adopt net neutrality rules…

AT&T Access Charge Lawsuits Against Prepaid Card Providers Moving Forward

Long time readers of the blog will know that we've been following AT&T's attempts to collect access charges for local calls delivered via intermediaries to prepaid card providers. The background is available here:…

Text Messaging Provider Sues T-Mobile for Unlawful Call Blocking

As consumers increasingly rely on mobile phones, marketers naturally are following. Text messaging, in particular, has proven to be a popular marketing method. It is not surprising, therefore, that we are seeing in…