CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Net Neutrality Order Moves a Step Closer to Publication

Continuing the slow march to Federal Register publication -- and certain court challenge -- of the Net Neutrality rules, the FCC today published notices of the two information collection provisions subject to review…

Net Neutrality Update

After months of waiting for the FCC to publish its Net Neutrality Order in the Federal Register, the FCC has finally . . . released a clarification of the disclosure rules that will eventually apply. The action does…

Department of Justice Continues to Push to Apply Spoofing Rules to VoIP

As we've noted previously, the U.S. Department of Justice has urged the FCC to take an expansive interpretation of the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009. In comments filed last week, the Department continued its effort…

FCC Takes Enforcement Action in USF, Telemarketing and "Junk Fax" Cases

Last week brought new actions in three of the FCC's most common enforcement areas: Failure to pay USF contributions, "robocall" telemarketing violations and "junk fax" solicitations. One action also is an example of…

House Approves Resolution to Disapprove Net Neutrality Order

In a move that has more symbolic than practical effect, on Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution of disapproval of the FCC's December 21, 2010 Net Neutrality Order. The Resolution was approved…