CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Small Library Seeks to Force Decision on VoIP Classification

I don't expect this to go anywhere, but this request is too interesting to ignore any longer. On May 25, 2012, a library in Caroline County, Virginia petitioned the FCC to declare that Vonage is a "common carrier"…

Interconnected VoIP Providers Required to Report Outages

As we've discussed, today the FCC adopted rules to require interconnected VoIP providers to report network outages to the FCC. The text of the FCC's order has not been released, but the order adopts a much narrower…

Tidbits from the FCC's Proposed Budget

Yesterday, the FCC released its proposed budget for fiscal year 2013 (beginning in October 2012). The budget offers a few interesting insights into the balance of the FCC's functions. It also offers a preview of what…

FCC Clarifies USF Reform/Intercarrier Compensation Order

This post was drafted by Chip Yorkgitis . On Friday, February 3, 2012, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau jointly released an order revising and clarifying certain aspects of…

FCC Issues Enforcement Advisory on VoIP, Broadband Reporting Requirements

Here's another VoIP item from our backlog. On December 16, the FCC's Enforcement Bureau issued an "Enforcement Advisory" reminding providers of their obligation to submit an FCC Form 477 every six months. The Form 477…