CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

"To Do List" for the National Broadband Plan

Although advertised as a "policy framework" for the National Broadband Plan, Wednesday's presentation to the FCC looks more like a "to do" list for Chairman Genachowski's 2010 agenda. A number of suggestions will be…

Broadband Plan is Only Item on FCC December Agenda

As we do regularly in this blog, we preview significant items to be presented at the FCC's upcoming monthly meeting. This month it is easy, because the FCC's agenda includes only one item: an update on the development…

Hearing on Calling Card Consumer Protection Bill Today

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, will hold a hearing today on the " Calling Card Consumer Protection Act of 2009" (HR 3993) . The bill would require…

FTC BringsThird Prepaid Card Case This Year

The Federal Trade Commission has sued Diamond Phone Card and two individuals for allegedly(1) misrepresenting the number of minutes provided by the cards and (2) failing to disclose adequately the effect of fees on the…

Compliance Alert -- FCC Sets Regulatory Fees for 2009

As it does annually at this time, the FCC established its regulatory fee assessment methodology for 2009. For the past few years, Congress has mandated that the FCC recover the majority of its $350 million plus budget…