CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Second Circuit Finds That ILEC Transit Service Is Governed by Section 251(c)(2) and Subject to Lower TELRIC Rates

Barbara Miller contributed to this post. Last week, a federal appellate court issued a decision signaling a significant victory for Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (“CLECs”) that rely on Incumbent Local Exchange…

FCC Requires Mobile Phone Manufacturers and Service Providers to Make Internet Browsers Accessible to the Blind and Visually Impaired by October 2013

In the latest of its orders to implement the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (“CVAA”), the FCC released a Second Report and Order addressing the accessibility requirements of…

Tom Wheeler Nominated for FCC Chair

As widely reported yesterday, President Obama has nominated Tom Wheeler to replace Julius Genachowski as FCC Chairman. Wheeler, currently working for a venture capital firm (bio here, at least for now), was widely…

Appeals Court Rules that Federal Courts May Hear Interconnection Agreement Claims in the First Instance

Barbara Miller co-authored this post. This week, the Fourth Circuit issued an important decision concerning the jurisdiction and role of federal courts in the interpretation and enforcement of state-approved…

FCC Proposes First Fines against Users of Cell Phone Jammers

Two recent releases by the FCC expand its campaign against unlawful cell phone jammer use, which over the past few years has been limited to aggressive enforcement against manufacturers and retailers . On April 9,…