CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

E-Reader Coalition Seeks Waiver of Disabled Access Requirements

On August 1, 2013, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") released a Public Notice seeking comment by September 3, 2013 on a petition for waiver from the disabled access requirements filed by a…

FCC Continues to Enforce Transfer of Control Violations

On July 17th, the FCC adopted a consent decree entered into between the Enforcement Bureau and AccessLine Communications Corporation, a facilities-based and resold long distance carrier holding domestic and…

FCC Highlights Progress in Implementing CVAA Requirements

At its open meeting this month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received a status report on the implementation of broad disabilities access obligations passed three years ago. In the presentation, FCC staff…

FCC Clarifies Closed-Captioning Requirements for Video Programming Delivered Using IP and Apparatus Used by Consumers

David Darwin co-authored this post. Last Friday, the FCC clarified several aspects of the complex closed-captioning regulations adopted last year applicable to service and content providers using Internet protocol…

Supreme Court Confirms the FCC's Ability to Interpret the Scope of its Own Authority and Allows the Antenna Siting Application "Shot Clock" To Remain in Effect

In a much anticipated decision with potentially widespread ramifications across all federal agencies charged with implementing federal statutes, the United States Supreme Court has permitted the so-called “shot clock”…