CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Proposes Rare Fine for Failure to File Section 43.61 International Traffic and Revenue Reports

On December 6, 2013, the FCC issued a rare Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, against Start Wireless Group, Inc. d/b/a Page Plus Cellular (“Page Plus”), for failing to file annual section 43.61 international…

FCC Change Allows Consumers to Bring ACS Accessibility Complaints Directly to Companies

In a Public Notice released last week, the FCC announced new procedures for consumers to file complaints against companies to allege violations of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act…

FCC Extends Review of E-Reader Coalition Petition

Kelley Drye Telecommunications paralegal Jennifer Rodden contributed to this post. Earlier this year, a coalition of e-reader manufacturers (Amazon, Kobo and Sony Electronics) petitioned for waiver from the disabled…

FCC Reopens; Temporary Suspension of Filing Deadlines

UPDATED . Filing Deadlines and Rescheduled Open Meeting Announced With the temporary budget deal reached on October 16th, the FCC again opened for business on October 17. However, the FCC published a notice this…

Express Written Consent Requirement for Telemarketing Calls and Texts to Take Effect October 16, 2013

New rules issued by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") last year are about to take effect. These rules will make it more difficult for businesses to make telemarketing calls and texts to wireless customers…