CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

The State of the Universal Service Fund in 2021

2021 is well underway and the new leadership at the FCC is taking shape. While we don’t yet know who will fill the Chair on a permanent basis, the FCC under Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel is proceeding without delay. So…

FCC Implements $50/Month Broadband Subsidy For Low-Income Households

As required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (“CAA”), on February 25, 2021, the FCC adopted a Report and Order to officially establish the Emergency Broadband Benefit (“EBB”) Program. Since the COVID-19…

Competition Policy Gets a Top Spot in the White House

Following weeks of speculation about a potential role for Columbia Law Professor Tim Wu in the Biden Administration, the White House announced on March 5 that Wu has been named Special Assistant to the President for…

A Look at Communications Industry New Year’s Resolutions: Reduce Illegal Robocalls

Earlier this year, we were asked to suggest 2021 resolutions for clients in the telecommunications, media, and technology industries. We developed several that should guide industry participants to improve their…

Join Kelley Drye at the INCOMPAS Policy Summit

On February 9, Partner Steve Augustino will moderate a two-part Robocall Compliance panel at the INCOMPAS Policy Summit. Steve, along with FCC attorneys and other industry leaders, will discuss 1) Progress towards the…