CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

New FTC Commissioners Confirmed

It has been quiet on the FCC front as all hands seem to be focused on the upcoming National Broadband Plan. In the meantime, I didn't want this development at the FTC to go unnoticed. Our firm's sister blog,…

3,000 Carriers File CPNI Certifications

As of COB yesterday, 3070 unique CPNI submissions were made in the FCC's annual CPNI certification docket. That number is almost the same as the 3,107 CPNI filers in 2009. However, it still is about 500 fewer than the…

New USF Form Announced; Audio Bridging Changes Headline the Revisions

UPDATED -- FORM 499 RELEASED The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau announced the new FCC Form 499A today. This form, which must be used to file the April 1 annual revenue report, includes several potentially…

Compliance Reminder: Annual CPNI Certification Due March 1

What: Annual CPNI Certification pursuant to Section 64.2009. Carriers must certify that their procedures comply with the FCC's privacy rules, disclose complaints about CPNI breaches and identify actions taken against…

Congress Investigates Rural LEC "Traffic Pumping"

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce has sent a February 16, 2010 letter to 24 rural local exchange carriers seeking information about their access charge services. The 24 carriers receiving the letters were…