CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC to Weigh in on Cell Phone Blocking in Wake of New BART Policy

In response to yesterday's announcement that BART, the San Francisco area transit authority, modified its cell phone blocking policy, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that the FCC would soon be taking action…

FCC Proposes Another $5 Million Prepaid Card Fine

Yesterday, the FCC proposed another $5 million fine for insufficient disclosures on prepaid calling cards. This action is best understood as an echo to the FCC's action in September, when it proposed four similar $5…

E-Filing of Tariffs Begins Today

Here is another compliance item for our readers. The FCC's rules requiring all tariffs to be filed electronically takes effect today . For competitive carriers, this means that you must file tariffs via the new…

Compliance Reminder: Annual CPNI Certifications

Yesterday, the FCC released an order cancelling more CPNI fines proposed in its Omnibus CPNI Forfeiture Order. Because proposed fines for failing to file the CPNI certification have become an annual event, this is a…

Does Enforcement Lurk Behind the New Wireless Industry Customer Billing Alerts?

According to FierceWireless and other news sources, the wireless industry announced this morning an agreement with the FCC and consumer groups to provide free text alerts to consumers before they exceed their plan…