CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Settles Slamming Case with Unusual Remedies

Slamming cases are a rarity these days, but this settlement is noteworthy not because it involves slamming, but because of the unusual remedies the FCC required in its consent decree. The case involves two Notices of…

FCC Releases 2012 Universal Service Revenue Reporting Worksheet

As it does every year, the FCC released its update to the annual Form 499-A. The Form 499-A is used to report revenues for purposes of the federal Universal Service Fund and also for calculating associated…

Please Join Us for Kelley Drye's 3rd Annual USF Update Webinar

With the Universal Service Fund continuing to grow and the USF contribution factor skyrocketing to nearly 18%, the federal Universal Service Fund remains a critical area for all telecommunications providers. Customers…

Reminder: Annual CPNI Certification Due March 1

All telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers must file an annual report certifying their compliance with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) rules regarding Customer Proprietary Network…

Interconnected VoIP Providers Required to Report Outages

As we've discussed, today the FCC adopted rules to require interconnected VoIP providers to report network outages to the FCC. The text of the FCC's order has not been released, but the order adopts a much narrower…