CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC's U-NII Advisory and Enforcement Actions Underscore Potential Growing Pains of Spectrum Sharing by Unlicensed Devices

One of the central issues in any spectrum sharing environment is the ability to enforce compliance with the regulations governing operation of the devices in the band, particularly the operation of secondary devices…

Annual FCC Regulatory Fees Due September 13, 2012

As is customary every year, the FCC recently announced the due date for its annual FCC regulatory fees. Regulatory fees must be paid no later than 11:59 PM on September 13, 2012, Eastern Daylight Time. Most federal…

Revised FCC Debt Collection Processes for Delinquent Support Fund Obligations Shift Burdens to Carriers

The FCC recently announced revisions to its debt collection process for those carriers that are delinquent in contributing to the FCC’s Universal Service Fund (“USF”), Telecommunications Relay Services Fund (“TRS”) and…

Derecho Storm Leads to FCC 911 Inquiry

The June 29 "Derecho" storm brought significant damage and power outages to the Mid-Atlantic region. It also brought a number of high-profile 911 outages, which have attracted the FCC's attention. This week, the Public…

What FCC v. Fox Television Means for Non-Broadcasters

In FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., the US Supreme Court reversed FCC indecency fines against two TV broadcast networks. The decision has garnered a lot of attention in the broadcast industry and conventional…