CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Announces USF Enforcement “Strike Force” To Combat Waste, Fraud and Abuse

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler issued a Public Notice on July 14, 2014, announcing the creation of a new “Strike Force” to respond to concerns of waste, fraud and abuse in the Universal Service Fund (USF). Chairman Wheeler…

On the Heels of Aereo, FCC Takes a Firm (and Expensive) Stance in Retransmission Consent Case

Yesterday, the FCC issued a $2.25 million Forfeiture Order against TV Max Inc. (and its affiliates and subsidiaries) for “willfully and repeatedly” violating Section 325 of the Communications Act. The fine reflects the…

Intel Enters into Consent Decree Resolving Investigation into Its Importation of Unauthorized Devices, Product Demonstration and Evaluation, and Trade Show Activities

On July 2, 2014, the FCC adopted an Intel Corporation ("Intel") Consent Decree resolving the Commission’s investigation into Intel’s importation, operation, and marketing of prototype tablet and smartphone devices.…

Team Telecom Seeks Revocation of Two Carriers’ Section 214 Authorizations for Failure to Comply with Their Letter of Assurance Obligations

A carrier’s failure to comply with its letter of assurance or national security agreement may jeopardize its international Section 214 license. In nearly unprecedented enforcement actions, the U.S. Department of…

FCC Proposes Record $34 Million Fine for Marketing Illegal Signal Jammers

Continuing an aggressive "zero tolerance" enforcement approach regarding signal jammers, the FCC on June 19, 2014 proposed to fine a Chinese-based equipment manufacturer a record $34.9 million for marketing signal…