CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Adopts Report and Order to Streamline Tower Rules

By a 5-0 vote at its August 8th Open Meeting, the Commission approved a Report and Order to streamline and update the rules governing the construction and marking and lighting of antenna structures (i.e. structures…

FCC Proposes $100,000 Forfeiture for Failing to Route 911 Calls to PSAPs

This week the FCC took enforcement action against a local exchange carrier operating in Oklahoma for failing to route 911 calls to public safety authorities. In what appears to be the first Notice of Apparent Liability…

E-rate Reform Order: The Study Guide

Almost two weeks after the FCC adopted new E-rate rules, the order became available to the public. As we wrote earlier, the E-rate rules allocate a significant amount of new funding for wireless connections and…

FCC Enforcement Advisory: Open Internet Transparency Rule

On July 23 rd, the FCC issued an important Enforcement Advisory about compliance with the Open Internet Transparency Rule, which sets forth the information broadband Internet access service providers must disclose. If…

Court Case Counsels Caution for International Telecommunications Carriers

As the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) continue to aggressively pursue investigations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (the “FCPA”), international…