Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Department of Justice Continues to Push to Apply Spoofing Rules to VoIP

As we've noted previously, the U.S. Department of Justice has urged the FCC to take an expansive interpretation of the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009. In comments filed last week, the Department continued its effort…

FCC Takes Enforcement Action in USF, Telemarketing and "Junk Fax" Cases

Last week brought new actions in three of the FCC's most common enforcement areas: Failure to pay USF contributions, "robocall" telemarketing violations and "junk fax" solicitations. One action also is an example of…

FCC Opens Spoofing Proceeding

In response to the passage of anti-spoofing legislation late last year, the FCC recently adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to tighten rules relating to the "spoofing" of caller ID information. The Commission is…

US Department of Justice Recommends Anti-Spoofing Rules to FCC

In late December, Congress passed new Anti-Spoofing legislation . As we told you at the time, the Act requires the FCC to enact implementing regulations within 6 months. In anticipation of that rulemaking, the U.S.…

Rules Against Caller ID Spoofing to Tighten

Two developments last month portend a more difficult time for entities "spoofing" caller ID information. On December 22, President Obama signed into law the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009 [sic], which makes it unlawful…