Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Ad Law Access Podcast: CCPA Update - Legislature Amends the CCPA to Exclude Employee Data, B2B Communications for One Year

On a new episode of the Ad Law Access Podcast, Alex Schneider discusses the amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) the California legislature voted to send to the California governor’s desk. For…

CCPA Update: Legislature Amends the CCPA to Exclude Employee Data, B2B Communications for One Year

Last week, the California legislature voted to send five amendments to the CCPA to the California governor’s desk. The amendments include a one-year exemption for access and deletion rights to employee data and B2B…

Securing IoT Devices (Part 2): Inside the NIST Guidance Document for IoT Device Manufacturers

At the end of July, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (“NIST”) released draft cybersecurity guidance for IoT device manufacturers. The document, titled Core Cybersecurity Feature Baseline for…

What Facebook’s Next 20 Years Will Look Like: Is This the Future of US Privacy?

Even in her extensive dissent, FTC Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter labeled the Order “exceptional.” And it is. The terms of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) $5 billion, twenty-year settlement Order reached with…

Nevada and Maine Advance Legislation Addressing the “Sale” of Personal Data

While businesses rightfully have been focused on preparing for the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), the Nevada and Maine Legislatures have moved forward with legislation that, like the CCPA, features new…