Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

The NY City Commission Speaks - Be Careful in Claiming an Exemption from the NY City "Credit Check Law"

With the New York City “ Stop Credit Discrimination in Employment Act ” now in effect (as of September 3, 2015), the City Commission has just released guidelines for some ambiguous points in the law. We first wrote…

Sirius XM Settles Wage & Hour Class Action With Unpaid Interns

Earlier this month Sirius XM Radio Inc. settled a wage & hour class action with a class of 1,852 unpaid interns that claimed the company violated federal and state labor laws by failing to compensate them for the work…

Recent Ruling in LGBT Case Another Reminder That Religion Cannot Justify Discrimination

We predicted in blog posts on July 24 th and July 7 th that we would be seeing more in the way of LGBT litigation. I also recommended that managers be given extra training or reminders that in states where LGBT…

New York Rejects Florida Non-Competition Law As Against Public Policy

In a blow to New York employers who wish to enforce restrictive covenants under other state law, the New York Court of Appeals recently held that the Florida choice of law provision in an employment agreement was…

New York Attorney General’s Office Demands “On Call Shift” Information From Retailers

As reported in various media outlets, the New York Attorney General’s office recently sent a request to several retail employers who do business in New York for information concerning their practices of scheduling…