Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

The Seventh Circuit Further Clarifies FLSA Overtime Exceptions…For Window Washers

A recent Seventh Circuit decision may provide ammunition for employers defending FLSA claims brought by commission-based employees or employees who work irregular hours. In Ramon Alvarado, et al. v. Corporate Cleaning…

A Victory for Kleiner Perkins Should Still be a Red Flag for All Employers – “It’s All About Your Culture”

As was discussed on Fox Business News’s Willis Report, Friday’s jury’s verdict in California rejecting Ellen Pao’s claims of gender discrimination and retaliation was undoubtedly a huge victory for the venture capital…

What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Young v. UPS

Does an employer have to offer a pregnant employee exactly the same physical accommodations as it does to “other” employees? Which “other” employees? And how many “other” employees? In a case involving the Pregnancy…

The Day of the Woman – Maybe Not at Kleiner Perkins

On Monday, March 9, one day after we all celebrated International Women’s Day, Ellen Pao, a Harvard-trained lawyer, took the stand in her sexual harassment trial against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins in…

Publically Traded Companies Beware: An SEC Filing Can be Evidence of an Adverse Employment Action in a Claim of Retaliation

A Title VII plaintiff can prove retaliation using either the direct or indirect method. Under the direct method a plaintiff must prove (1) that she engaged in a statutorily protected activity; (2) that she was…