Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

House Approves Resolution to Disapprove Net Neutrality Order

In a move that has more symbolic than practical effect, on Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution of disapproval of the FCC's December 21, 2010 Net Neutrality Order. The Resolution was approved…

FCC Rules VoIP Provider May Not Collect Access Charges

With the continued uncertainty regarding the classification of VoIP service and the application of intercarrier compensation to VoIP, litigation over VoIP charges is extensive. In the latest case to reach a decision,…

Court Dismisses Verizon Net Neutrality Appeal -- For Now

Back in January, we posted on Verizon's attempt to appeal the FCC's Net Neutrality order . Verizon presented a controversial claim that the order was a "licensing" decision which limited review to the U.S. Court of…

FCC Releases USF and ICC Reform NPRM

Late yesterday, the FCC released its latest NPRM on high cost USF and ICC reform (see our 2/8 post ). The 289 page item, available here, sets forth staggered comment dates triggered by federal register publication.…

Verizon Net Neutrality Appeal Update

On January 20th, Verizon took the controversial move of appealing the FCC's Net Neutrality Order before notice was published in the Federal Register . Shortly after Verizon appealed, MetroPCS Communications filed a…