Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

New FTC Acting Chair Maureen Ohlhausen Offers Insight into Consumer Protection Priorities

Just over one week after being named acting chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Maureen Ohlhausen delivered the keynote address at the American Bar Association’s biennial Consumer Protection Conference in…

FTC Cries Foul On Breathometer Accuracy Claims

Kelley Drye

The FTC recently announced a settlement with Breathometer, Inc ., a company that marketed a smartphone accessory that it claimed could detect blood alcohol levels. Users could simply plug the accessory into the…

FTC Staff Report Details Best Practices for Cross-Device Tracking

The ubiquitous use of multiple devices by consumers has created new opportunities for mobile apps, platforms, providers, and publishers alike to capture more, and more accurate, consumer data. This practice – known as…

FTC Announces Two Telemarketing Cases

On January 13, 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it filed two lawsuits against more than a dozen individual and corporate defendants allegedly coordinated by two individuals. In the complaints,…

FTC Files Lawsuit Against Taiwanese Manufacturer for Alleged Lax Security in Wireless Routers and Cameras and Related Marketing Claims

The Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming that a networking equipment manufacturer engaged in unfair and deceptive acts, exposing thousands of consumers to the risk of cyberattack from…